
Regeneration Strategy For Penarth

Replacing  Victorian  lamposts with modern is detrimental to the character and best selling point of Penarth.  The Vale Highways service is a law on to themselves. What is missing here is any impact assessment on conservation and preservation of our heritage and history in Penarth. The conservation officer doesn't need to be consulted on works to road and pavements for some reason. This is not best practice. Conservation areas in Penarth are being shrunk, there is no group defending them. The one conservation officer that the Vale has is under pressure from planning colleagues and failed us.  There is a large fund for the arts available but using this towards a new modern pavilion or new park railings etc is wrong. We should preserve and restore the pavilion on Belle Vue Park in a conservation area and I believe there is also a air raid shelter as well that could be also restored. Preserving our Victorian lighting poles, or funding a local history museum in the Turner Gallery w

Consultation on the demolition of the Belle Vue Pavillion

Belle Vue Pavilion Capturing residents' views on the potential future uses of Belle Vue Pavilion.  Belle Vue Pavilion The 2-hour public consultation session on 31 January was a flop.   Half a dozen members of the public came and were over-served by the 5  officers (on overtime). The Council started with a blank sheet, except they have decided on demolition.  The two previous consultations, one public 2 years ago and one with the committee last year have not been recorded and assessed.   The Council have no technical assessment of the practicalities of renovation, just g ave end-of-life as reason for demolition.  They have £680 000 to play with, diverted from S108 funds from the Penarth Heights development. The Council think a cafe is a good idea, franchised commercially, yet are unaware of there being few  park -users at normal times. They think there would be demand for a community rooms, daytime and evenings, but have not assessed the usage of similar fa